A thrilling ninja action game based on the hit original anime “NINJA KAMUI”! Play as a shadow named Tsukumo as you slash and shoot your way through hordes of henchmen and deadly ninjas, discovering origins untold in the anime with this exhilarating 2D ninja action side-scroller. Power up with your special "TYPE 0" boost gear to unleash hell on anyone foolish enough to resist! But be careful who you trust, your life is literally ticking away with your boost gear counting down the seconds until it's game over. Features: Immerse yourself in this side-scrolling action game that lets you experience the world of the original anime! Master the art of timed attacks for devastating combos that keep enemies on their...
- PC
- Englisch
- Action
- 1.14GB
- PC
- Englisch
- Action
- 1.14GB