Deathless Tales of Old Rus
In Deathless, elements of a collectible card game, roguelike, and turn-based strategy combine seamlessly. Build a unique deck of cards, discover unusual relics, and defeat legendary bosses. Embark on the journey of each of the four heroes, unravel a web of intrigue, and protect the beautiful world of Belosvet. MEET THE HEROES In Deathless, you’ll play as four different heroes, each with their own playstyle: • Varvara the Fair — a cunning and clever treasure hunter who excels at manipulating enemy positions on the battlefield. • Vasilisa the Wise — a powerful elemental sorceress who can summon and dismiss nannies at will to assist her in combat. • Dobrynya Nikitich — the famous hero, equipped with high health and solid...
- PC
- Englisch
- Strategie
- 2.96GB
- PC
- Englisch
- Strategie
- 2.96GB