
The Visitors



An unidentified spacecraft has been discovered in a nearby solar system... as our most experienced Agent, you are tasked to explore the craft and determine its purpose, then report back to the command center. Late news, an outside force has sabotaged the transport that was carrying your Portal Stone, you must find all of the components and quickly, so you can rondevu with the task force that has been assembled, to go with you on this mission. You are to record all Points Of Interest, that have been marked on a schematic of the ship, created by a previous force. It is almost complete, except the command module, you must find a way to get in there. Previous reports state,...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.04GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.04GB

Edna and Harvey The Breakout Anniversary Edition



Das preisgekrönte Adventure in neuem Gewand! Für „Edna & Harvey: The Breakout – Anniversary Edition“ wurde Daedalics Klassiker neu gezeichnet und von Grund auf renoviert: hochauflösende Grafik, neue Technik, intuitive Steuerung - ein irres Abenteuer. Erlebe die kultig-schräge Reise von Edna & Harvey erneut, und zwar besser als je zuvor – oder entdecke den Kult-Hit erstmalig! Die Irren sind wieder los! Edna wacht ohne jede Erinnerung an ihre Vergangenheit in der Gummizelle einer Nervenheilanstalt auf. Sie hat nicht die leiseste Ahnung wie sie dort gelandet ist, doch eines ist sicher: Sie will raus! Immerhin fühlt sie sich geistig vollkommen gesund – und ihr sprechender Stoffhase Harvey ist ganz ihrer Meinung. Gemeinsam wagen sie die Flucht und treffen dabei auf äußerst...
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.03GB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.03GB

Valakas Story



In the distant Russian outback, there lived a rural elderly streamer of games. The name is our main character Valakas, he is 54 years old and from a boring, old life, he began to stream online games on the Internet. Valakas quickly became popular and won the hearts of all Russian players. His beloved granddaughter, named Ralinka, also lived with him. After Valakas became very popular in 2015, he got very big donations, people loved him and threw money at him. Everything went very well, but in 2015, Valakas suddenly changed and people began to suspect that another person was sitting at the monitor. All of Russia began to worry that Valakas was killed, and his streamer channel was captured...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 17.94GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 17.94GB
updated Blair.Witch.Deluxe.Edition-PLAZA

Blair Witch Deluxe Edition



Wir schreiben das Jahr 1996. Ein kleiner Junge verschwindet im Black Hills Forest in der Nähe von Burkittsville, Maryland. Du schlüpfst in die Rolle von Ellis, einem ehemaligen Polizeibeamten mit einer turbulenten Vergangenheit, und nimmst an der Suche teil. Was als gewöhnliche Suchaktion beginnt, verwandelt sich schon bald in einen Albtraum, in dem du gezwungen bist, dich deinen Ängsten und der Hexe von Blair zu stellen – einer mysteriösen Gestalt, die den Wald heimsucht … Blair Witch ist ein Story-lastiges First-Person-Psychohorror-Spiel, das auf der kinematischen Legende der Hexe von Blair basiert.
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Abenteuer
  • 12.83GB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Abenteuer
  • 12.83GB

Border Force



It is 10:59PM on March 29th 2019. With one minute to go until Britain's exit from the European Union is formalised, you are ready to get to work. The UK's safety is in your hands. You are Border Force. You will be stationed at Checkpoint C on the newly formed UK border. Your responsibilities include verifying the nationality of people attempting to enter the UK and keeping the UK safe from all forms of harmful contraband whether landmines or champagne. These rules are subject to change.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.10GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.10GB

Atari Vault 50 Game Add



Get 50 additional classic Atari releases never before available on PC! These rarities include 14 vintage Atari arcade games from the 70s, 16 Atari 5200 titles, 12 Atari 2600 games from M Network, and 8 prototype and limited-edition homebrew games for the Atari 2600. As with the original 100 games in Atari Vault, enjoy a richly configurable experience, online multiplayer, and scans of original manuals and boxes.
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Action
  • 472MB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Action
  • 472MB
updated Ottoman.Empire.Spectacular.Millennium-PLAZA

Ottoman Empire Spectacular Millennium



The Ottoman Empire was living one of its brightest eras. World was trembling in the presence of sultan. However, what is disturbing the sultan was the news that did not come from far away. The betrayal of Vlad, which he saw very close to himself, has become unbearable. Alp Er Tunga, one of sultan's trusted janissaries, is appointed as the last ambassador. Tunga, who is attacked by wolves while trying to deliver the edict, is not yet aware that this attack will provide him survival against Vlad.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 4.40GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 4.40GB