updated Long.Z.Night-PLAZA

Long Z Night



Im Spiel musst du helfen, die vier Charaktere zu überleben, die sich in dieser schrecklichen Nacht bei der Arbeit aufhalten. Verwenden Sie individuelle Waffen zum Töten und bestellen Sie zusätzliche Waffen und Schutz beim "Waffenhändler". Sie müssen die fortschreitenden Horden der Zombies reflektieren, Welle für Welle. Zwischen dem Abwehrangriff können Sie Waffen auffüllen, Ihre Gesundheit wiederherstellen, Barrieren aufstellen, Fallen aufstellen und Taktiken ausdenken, um den nächsten Angriff abzuwehren.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.22GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.22GB

Ittle Dew 2 Plus



Ittle and Tippsie crash onto yet another island filled with loot, puzzles and mysterious inhabitants! They immediately set out to steal eight pieces of a raft from increasingly improbable locations including beaches, prairies, an art exhibit and some dude's basement. Ittle Dew 2 is a charming and humorous 3D Action Adventure game with a focus on exploration and combat. Tackle the game’s dungeons in any order and discover the many secrets of its expansive overworld. With four main weapons, combat and puzzling is streamlined, yet upgradeable inventory items add RPG-like character progression!
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Abenteuer
  • 754MB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Abenteuer
  • 754MB

Herald An Interactive Period Drama Book I and II



Herald is a choice-driven adventure game set during an alternate 19th century in which the West is united as a colonial superpower: the Protectorate. Help tell the story of Devan Rensburg, a man of mixed heritage who became steward on board of the HLV Herald, a merchant ship set for his country of birth. As Devan it is your job to keep the peace among the crew and passengers by resolving their daily squabbles. Set during a time of widespread inequality and injustice, you are challenged to uncover a great mystery that surrounds the Herald's perilous voyage. Herald will be released in four 'books'. The base game, consisting of Book I & II will have around 4 hours of gameplay...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.18GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.18GB

Bunker Nightmare Begins



Wander in the corridors where the darkness will not be your only enemy.Take everything you can find to survive, don't let yourself be trapped, do not get lost. Hide yourself, make no noise, follow all the quests to the letter to escape. Each new game will offer you a different experience from the previous one with a behavior of the AI different. Choose your creature to which you want to confront before each new game and unlock of new difficulty modes. Settings menu will be available to adjust certain parameters such as controls or the graphic exhibition, however it is strongly recommended to play with the defaults parameters to enjoy a better gaming experience. We also recommend playing with a...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.64GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 1.64GB

Amortizer Off



Amortizer is a casual off-road experience. You will find your self in various nature environment, driving 4x4 machine. Game does not have any progress. Its made for true off-road lovers. You have six linear maps to complete, without hurry. Be prepared for mudy,rocky,sandy,snowy environment. Prove that you can sustain in all circumstances. Sit back and enjoy the bumpy ride. After that you can scout around in two open world maps.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Simulation
  • 1.58GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Simulation
  • 1.58GB
updated The.Subject.v2.0-PLAZA

The Subject



Ein Science-Fiction-Puzzlespiel, das eine Kombination aus klassischen Puzzle-Abenteuerspielen mit Horrorelementen und visueller Ästhetik von Sci-Fi aus den frühen 80er Jahren kombiniert. Du musst lernen, wie du durch den riesigen Komplex navigieren kannst, ohne dich zu verirren. Du musst zu verschiedenen Testräumen gelangen und Gegenstände sammeln, die für den Fortschritt im Labyrinth erforderlich sind. Du wirst von den Wissenschaftlern überwacht und musst regelmäßig an Biodatenterminal aufsuchen, um deine Vital-und andere Daten für die Protokollierung aufzuzeichnen. Wenn du das nicht tust, droht dir die Euthanization.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 548MB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 548MB




Beraltors is a 2D Metroidvania RPG that focuses around collecting monsters called Beraltors. Your father has been kidnapped by a big bad dude, oh no! You want to hug him and feel his warm chest against your skin. You will need to rescue him, but you are a pathetic cretin. There are a lot of evil wizard spells going around, monstrous creatures are appearing, and the bad guy who stole your father is jacked. You will need to use those cute Beraltors to rescue your father! There are loads of Beraltors in Beraltors, over 70, and each Beraltor is a little different. They have different elements, stats, attacks and abilities. Ice Beraltors can go in cold areas, water Beraltors can...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 547MB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 547MB