
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Deluxe Edition



Das epische Aufeinandertreffen zweier Universen geht mit Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite in die nächste Runde und läutet eine neue Ära der beliebten Action-Fighting-Serie ein. Die Welten von Marvel und Capcom kollidieren wie nie zuvor, wenn Kultcharaktere sich für actionreiche Kämpfe Spieler gegen Spieler zusammentun. Ultron Sigma hat damit begonnen, jede biologische Lebensform auszuradieren. Angesichts dieser ultimativen Bedrohung erheben sich die Helden aus den Trümmern, bilden neue Allianzen und stehen zusammen. Ihre einzige Hoffnung sind die allmächtigen Infinity-Steine.
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Action
  • 58.72GB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Action
  • 58.72GB




Rakuen is an adventure game about a little Boy who lives in the hospital. One day, the Boy asks his Mom to escort him to the fantasy world from his favorite storybook, so that he can ask the Guardian of the Forest to grant him one wish. In order to receive his wish, the Boy must complete a set of challenges that revolve around helping his neighbors in the hospital by interacting with their alter-egos in the fantasy world... ...A cranky old man who guards a broken music box with his life while complaining that he never gets any visitors; a young woman in a coma whose husband hasn’t left her side in months; a little girl who laments over...
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti
  • Rollenspiel
  • 503MB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti
  • Rollenspiel
  • 503MB

Russian Gangsta In HELL



Nikita was a gangster from Russia, he killed everyone with inhuman force, like a demon from Hell, he did not regret anyone, not even the elderly, he robbed banks, and when he was at home he rested, hovered and rolled on a gyroscope, but once his adventure in the most dangerous city of the Russian Federation - Kuvandyk, he decided to drink vodka with the local bandits, but they pushed him on the temples when he was a buxi and woke up Nikita already in another world - in Hell, and not on Earth, he was sent to Hell for, that he killed and robbed everyone, and he hovered. But our hero liked the new world, because when he got...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.41GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.41GB