
Angry Bunny 3 Virus Scorched Land



Third part of Angry Bunny platformer series with lot of new features, like boss fights. Evil Green Ghost Virus and his army has locked bunnies way to home, so all bunnies are trapped to outside worlds. Player character angry bunny is only hope. Only mission is to find magic crystal which can destroy huge virus egg between bunnies home and virus world. Bunny mission is find magic crystal which is locked with chains. Only with hidden key it can be opened. With help of magic crystal viruses can be defeated. Collect magic balls and beat different enemies and solve minor puzzles. Some levels contains big green ghost virus boss which need to be shot through tentacles several times and some...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 4.29GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 4.29GB
updated Primordium.Day.Zero-PLAZA

Primordium Day Zero



Millions of years in the past, there was a civilization known as The Maria fighting for survival on a small planet orbiting a star in the Milky Way Galaxy. One day, a small team was excavating the dunes near the solar system's largest volcano and an artifact was uncovered. The artifact led them to a crash site, where an ancient vessel was uncovered, but the message bore a warning written in an unknown dialect. Their attempts to translate it bore a warning, stating that a series of solar flares would strike the planet, eliminating any life that called the planet home. In decades, their planet would be reduced to a barren wasteland as solar winds stripped their withering atmosphere. In...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 17.52GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 17.52GB

Circle Empires Rivals Forces of Nature



Circle Empires: Rivals ist der Mehrspielernachfolger des preisgekrönten und weltweit 300.000-mal verkauften Echtzeitstrategiespiels Circle Empires! Rasante Action und Hunderte von verschiedenen Einheiten in Verbindung mit einer prozedural erstellten Welt aus Kreisen machen jedes Spiel spannend und einzigartig. Um allein oder mit Freunden deine Gegner zu besiegen, Ressourcen zu sammeln und stärker zu werden, brauchst du neue Strategien und clevere Taktiken! „Es ist großartig, die Entwicklung des Projekts von der kostenlosen Demo über die Einzelspielerversion bis hin zum jetzigen Mehrspielertitel erlebt zu haben!“ – The Luminous Team
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Strategie
  • 567MB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Strategie
  • 567MB

Jesus Strikes Back Judgment Day Remastered



The year is 2028. Billionaire reptilian satanists G. Sorrows and M. Cuckerberg are president and vice-president of the USA. A strict communist regime is immediately implemented, resulting in millions of deaths, the collapse of the global economy and the end of free speech. The constitution is ripped to shreds and replaced with the decree of 74853769 genders. With a global New World Order firmly in power and the worldwide population suppressed, Comrade G. Sorrows implements the Final Solution. All straight males are rounded up and sent to death camps. A few manage to escape to the neighbouring wildernesses and mountains, only to be tracked down and slaughtered. The sight of what humanity has become brings tears to J.C's eyes. He...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.38GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.38GB




DESCRIPTION: Kojouji is a sci-fi survival-horror puzle game that takes place in an abandoned factory. The game has multiple ending results depending of the achievements of the player, who can progress through the game freely. The player would have to discover how to complete the objectives and get the complete ending. SYNOPSIS: The protagonist is a detective hired to find a missing person that works in security at a factory. He proceeds to investigate this man whereabouts by going to his workplace, where he discovers that the place is deserted and contamined by poisonous gases. During his investigation, he finds the truth behind this place and discovers that there are far more dangerous things hidden in the depths of the...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 4.74GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 4.74GB
updated Guardians.of.the.Ashes-PLAZA

Guardians of the Ashes



As a rookie female soldier being lost memory. Your are tasked with investigating a group of criminals in the deserted city of Orland and unknowingly discovering a secret ruins underground. And here, you being attacked and chased by demons, things drag on after things ... the true origin of the world gradually reveal... and then, as "The Chosen One" - you have to protect the world.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Rollenspiel
  • 2.49GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Rollenspiel
  • 2.49GB
updated Praetorians.HD.Remaster.MULTi11-PLAZA

Praetorians HD Remaster



Praetorians spielt inmitten der politischen Verwicklungen des aufstrebenden Römischen Reiches. Lassen Sie sich zurückversetzen auf die staubigen Schlachtfelder Ägyptens, die Kampfplätze Galliens und schließlich ins Herz des Imperiums selbst, nach Italien, und befehligen Sie gewaltige Feldzüge bis Sie schließlich zum Imperator aufsteigen. Ihre Aufgabe wird nicht einfach sein, da das Imperium von einer Vielzahl verschiedener Truppen und Kriegsmaschinen verteidigt wird, die alle über besondere Fähigkeiten und individuelle Stärken verfügen. Ihr Weg zum Imperator hängt von Ihrer Strategie ab! Sie müssen lernen, Ihre Einheiten zu kombinieren und die Schwächen des Feindes auszunutzen. Doch je näher Sie dem Imperator kommen, desto schwieriger wird es, da Sie sich seiner persönlichen Wache stellen müssen, der mächtigsten und tödlichsten Streitmacht des Imperiums – der Prätorianergarde!
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Strategie
  • 1.53GB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Strategie
  • 1.53GB

The Prometheus Secret Noohra



The Prometheus Secret Noohra uniquely combines a 2.5D physics puzzle platformer with fast paced card combat used for the boss fights. Darkness contains no love and will punish and suppress the player at each defeat, the more the player succumbs the more challenging the game. To earn the title "light bearer" and defeat darkness you will need great perseverance and a sharp mind, the first level will surprisingly be your hardest challenge as darkness tries to subdue. When you progress and push back against the darkness, your adventure grows more rewarding. This indie game pays homage to all those who fight their darkness daily without giving up, no matter how draining this can be. Noorah, Aramaic for the light of...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 2.15GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 2.15GB