DUSK Episode 3



DUSK reintroduces you to a world where butchery and bloodshed must be mastered if you're to make it to dawn. Inspired by Quake, Blood, Heretic, Hexen, Half-Life and Redneck Rampage, and featuring a soundtrack by metal music mastermind Andrew Hulshult (Brutal DOOM, Rise of the Triad), DUSK unfolds in the eerie backwoods of the American Northeast where, gaining consciousness hanging on a meat hook, you must fight to survive. In three distinct campaign episodes hand-crafted from straight outta the 90’s, players battle through an onslaught of mystical backwater cultists, possessed militants and even darker forces and attempt to discover just what lurks beneath the earth. Featuring a vast arsenal of badass weaponry including saw blades, dual-wielded shotguns from 1887 and...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.44GB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 1.44GB

Strategic Command W


Fury Software’s Strategic Command series is back, and this time it will be taking on the world! Strategic Command WWII: World At War is your chance to re-fight the 20th century’s greatest conflict, from Poland to China, Normandy to the Pacific, on a map encompassing the globe. Building on the success of Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe, this new turn based game will provide even more opportunities to try out different strategies, maximising re-playability to the utmost! Can Germany, Italy and Japan triumph and construct their new world order, or will triumph turn to disaster as the rest of the world mobilizes to meet force with force? This is your opportunity to take command and change history!
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Strategie
  • 749MB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Strategie
  • 749MB

The Crown of Leaves



Roui, a resilient city dandy, a half-educated jeweler and the author of scientific magic articles, dealt with a colossal failure and had to return to his homeland: Latori. Science isn't a thing here, and local shoddy mystical beliefs are really irritating and dejecting to Roui. He dreams to return to his old life... But how can it be possible if you have no money? One day, a prosperous local baron commissioned him for a bracelet, a gift for his lovely bride. Roui, in need of the extra coin, graciously accepted the order... But not long afterward he faced a new problem - the Mad Rook, a legendary and mysterious spirit, began to meddle in the lives of the locals, including...
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 563MB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Abenteuer
  • 563MB




Die Coin-op-Klassiker R-Type & R-Type II gibt es jetzt gemeinsam auf Steam! Kämpfe dich durch alle 14 Bydo-verseuchten Level – in Retro-2D-Grafiken oder wunderschönen 3D-Grafiken – und wechsle jederzeit mit nur einem Tastendruck zwischen den beiden. Die neuen 3D-Grafiken werden durch komplett neu strukturierte Arrangements der zeitlosen Musikstücke von R-Type begleitet! Das klassische Gameplay bleibt unberührt, während der neue endlose Spielmodus kontinuierlichen Fortschritt vom Spielstart bis zum letzten Boss ermöglicht. Diesmal wird der Bydo dir nicht entkommen! Beide Spielmodi können als Einzelspieler oder im lokalen Multiplayer gespielt werden. Reiß dich zusammen, rette die Erde und zerschlage das böse Bydo-Imperium!
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Action
  • 367MB
  • PC
  • SpracheMulti-Deutsch
  • Action
  • 367MB




Loria is a homage to classics from golden era of strategy games, with modern spin on controls and user experience. Game introduces not just RTS elements but also RPG elements such as: hero units, collecting items and quest driven missions offers for a more interesting take on the RTS genre. Goal of Loria is to take the best concepts from the classics and create a modern user-experience, intelligent AI, smooth controls, pleasing aesthetic and to add interesting content. Loria was made with passion and love of the RTS genre, that has given us so many hours of fun. Hopefully we have managed to recreate the experience and fun.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 916MB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 916MB

Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm Players Edition



You are the commander of either NATO or Soviet forces locked in battle on the ground in 1980’s Central Europe. As commander, it is your task to provide the battle plan orders to your units. You need to know your mission objectives, strength and weakness of both your forces and you enemy, lay of the land, weather, and time of day in order to come out on the winning end. Your crews will do their best to follow your orders and execute the plan, but in war, no plan survives first contact. You will need to think on the fly and adjust to the ever changing flow of battle.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 783MB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 783MB

Guns and Ghosts



We are just two friendly apes who learned how to make games in our free time and now love to bring our often crazy ideas to live in all kinds of games. Please expect our games to be smaller, raw experiences. We always love to chat with you guys and greatly appreciate all of your feedback in order to become better game creators. Just tell us your questions or ideas on the forums, Twitter or Facebook. If you encounter bugs or any problems, we will do all we can to ensure the best support that a drunken ape could possibly give.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 954MB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Action
  • 954MB




Classic Strategy. Classic Fun. Tension, gripping story lines, and highly competitive ladder are all things you won't find here. Instead, join the random escapades of a bloated military faction as they try to uphold peace through brute force. This Real Time Strategy Game lets you command armies in a single player campaign with a variety of missions ranging from the insane to the merely absurd. A callback to both old and new strategy games alike, this game will keep you entertained and challenged.
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 693MB
  • PC
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Strategie
  • 693MB