Somewhere in the vast unknown, a rogue planet drifts endlessly into space, once belonging to an advanced civilization that has now been consumed by Tastrion, an artificial mutagen that is the most potent genotoxin ever made. The last hope of humanity has been deployed from Ginsaria 9, a space colony that has developed a gunship titled ''Desolazor'' wielding a powerful weapon to fight back and eradicate the infestation before it spreads further across the galaxy... Tastrion is a Shoot 'Em Up inspired by 90's classics such as Gradius, Arrow Flash, and Gleylancer. The weapon system is simplistic. 5 Buttons, 3 shots. Main frontal Photon lasers, multi-directional Ion spread, armor-piercing rail gun, Focus mode, and an all-powerful solar-powered radiant bomb. with...
- PC
- Englisch
- Action
- 1.01GB
- PC
- Englisch
- Action
- 1.01GB