Ultra Age Rebirth Project
In a distant future, where ecosystems have been destroyed and resources have become depleted due to the collapse of fusion power generation, Age, a member of Orbit, receives an order to “survey the ground…” In 3174, when the Earth's resources have been depleted and ecosystems destroyed by meteors, humans are divided into the ones who escaped the Earth and settled in the space colony ‘Orbital Arc’ and the others who settled in the Earth's ‘Shelter’ facility. When all supplies sent from Shelter to Orbital Arc are cut off, humankind begins an experiment to find the last hope. ‘Age,’ a young, sword-wielding warrior falls from Orbital Arc to Earth, and embarks on a journey with his android ‘Helvis’ to find the...
- PC
- Multi-Deutsch
- Action
- 5.63GB
- PC
- Multi-Deutsch
- Action
- 5.63GB